Ready to improve your English TEAS test score? These TEAS English practice test questions can help you identify where you need to focus before test day. For this section, you’ll need to know grammar, punctuation rules, parts of speech, agreement rules, and the steps for the writing process.
Number of scored TEAS 7 English test questions:
- 12 standard English questions
- 11 knowledge of language and grammar
- 10 vocabulary, expressing ideas, and medical terminology
- 4 questions that aren’t scored (you won’t know which these are)
Ready to put your knowledge to the test?
Try these TEAS English Practice test questions:
⬇️ Updated for the TEAS 7. ⬇️
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How to use TEAS English and Language Usage Practice tests
What’s on the TEAS English and language usage section? Let’s go over what you need to know so that you can prepare for test day.
On the English TEAS test, you have a total of 33 scored questions on each of these topics:
- Spelling & Similar Sounding Words
- Sentence Parts & Terms
- Punctuation Rules
- Parts of Speech
- Irregular Plural Nouns
- Grammar & Clarity
- Formal & Informal Language
- Medical Terminology and Word Parts
- Word Meaning and Context Clues
Work on your TEAS test English prep with these questions:
You’ll have exactly 1 minute for each English TEAS test question. This section is 37 minutes, and you’ll have a total of 37 questions. Working with TEAS English and language usage practice tests will help you with sentence structure, punctuation, and pronoun questions so that you can manage your time.
It’s a great strategy to do lots of practice with TEAS English and language usage practice test questions so that you can identify which rules you need to learn and practice applying these rules. Be sure to grab trusted resources to help you understand these grammar rules inside and out.
TEAS English and Language Usage – Conventions of English
This section is all about parts of speech, punctuation rules, and spelling rules. You’ll need to memorize the rules for commas, colons, semicolons, and quotation marks. You’ll also need to memorize certain homophones and homographs. These are words that either sound alike or are spelled the same way but have different meanings. For example, their/they’re/there and date as a noun and as a verb.
You’ll have 12 scored nine questions on each of these topics:
- Identifying the correctly spelled word
- Selecting the correct homograph or homophone
- Making singular nouns plural
- Using correct punctuation marks with phrases and clauses
- Using correct punctuation marks with independent and dependent clauses
- Identifying parts of speech
ATI TEAS English and Language Usage – Knowledge of Grammar and Language Use
This section is all about grammar. One of the biggest areas to focus on is agreement. Lots of students get these questions incorrect, and if you can excel at agreement questions, you are well on your way to a better TEAS score.
Agreement questions involve either subject-verb agreement or pronoun-antecedent agreement. These topics can sound scary, but it pretty much means knowing if a subject of a sentence is singular or plural and then picking the right verb or pronoun to match it.
This can get tricky with collective nouns and indefinite pronouns, which are nouns that can be either singular or plural.
You’ll have 11 scored questions on each of the these topics:
- Pronoun-antecedent agreement
- Subject-verb agreement
- Using consistent verb tense (past, present, future)
- Correctly linking phrases and clauses using transition words
- Identifying formal and informal language
- Correctly inferring the meaning of slang and colloquial language using a sentence’s context
- Applying the writing process like outlines, paragraph development, and revision
TEAS English and Language Usage – Vocabulary
This section is all about selecting the right word given context and tone, working with synonyms, and applying prefixes and suffixes. This section builds on the previous TEAS English language sections because identifying parts of speech can help you match vocabulary and definitions.
Memorization is also important here because you’ll have several questions on prefixes, suffixes, and medical terminology. You will also need to recognize which suffixes can indicate different parts of speech. For example, when a word ends in the suffix -ly, it is often an adverb.
You’ll have 10 scored questions on each of these topics:
- Common prefixes (hyper- hypo-, a-, etc)
- Common suffixes (-ology, -able, -ible, etc.)
- Common roots, often used in medical terminology (pnea, etc.)
- Selecting the correct definition using a sample dictionary entry
- Selecting the best synonym given a sentence’s tone and context
- Selecting the correct word meaning by applying part of speech and context clues
Flashcards and practice are super handy for this part of your TEAS test English prep, so I encourage you to check out my TEAS 7 Question Bank. You’ll get 5 practice exams with TEAS English practice questions on medical terminology roots, prefixes, suffixes, spelling rules, and parts of speech, and all the tested TEAS English concepts. Plus, the question bank covers all sections of the TEAS in 2023.
How to study in your TEAS Test English Prep
TEAS English practice test questions are a great way to apply all the grammar rules you need to know for test day. You might need to spend a few hours making sure you really understand independent and dependent clauses, punctuation rules, and agreements. Once you have the rules down, you can practice applying them with questions.
You can read more about how to create a great TEAS English study guide or check out my entire TEAS prep study guide.
What to include in your TEAS Test English Prep
- What makes a sentence simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex
- The difference between a phrase, a dependent clause, and an independent clause
- How to punctuate the 4 types of sentences using (if appropriate) a comma, a coordinating conjunction, a colon, a semicolon, or a period
- Recognizing a run-on sentence and a comma splice
- How to use single quotation marks and double quotation marks
- Subject-verb agreement agreement and pronoun-antecedent agreement with collective nouns, compound nouns, and indefinite pronouns
- Recognizing subjective, objective, and possessive pronouns in a sentence
- The difference between common homophones and homographs
- Recognizing gerund, predicate, object in a sentence
- Ordering the steps of the writing process and how to use a citation
- The components of a well-organized paragraph (topic sentence, supporting details, transitions, & conclusion)
- The rule to use a hyphen correctly—and how it’s different from a dash
- Common prefixes and suffixes
- Medical terminology root words
- Common spelling rules and possible exceptions (i.e. “I before E except after C”)
English TEAS Test FAQ
You do not need to write anything for the TEAS. The English TEAS test is a multiple choice test. Some nursing programs do require you to write an essay as part of your admissions testing. This is typically separate from the actual TEAS, so check with your school’s admissions office first.
On the TEAS 7 English section, you’ll have 37 minutes to answer 37 questions. This is the last section of the TEAS, so even though it is the shortest section, you likely will be tired! Take a few deep breaths before you begin this section — it means you are almost done!
A TEAS English passing score is around 70%. In order to score above the 80th percentile, you’ll need to get at least 80 percent of the questions correct. Read more about how to pass the TEAS test.
English TEAS Test Review Program
Would you want more ATI TEAS English and Language usage practice test questions? Check out my TEAS study program! Students who use Prenursing Smarter for their English TEAS test prep increase their assessment scores by an average of 19 points.
Prenusing Smarter student Yesina said that she was most worried about her TEAS English language score: “After reviewing the English portion of your program like crazy, my score went from a 54% to an 83%!! Thank you so much for creating this program. It has kept me on track with my studies and made all of the concepts so easy and understandable!!
You’ll get:
- 5 full practice exams with TEAS English practice test questions
- Video lessons covering some of the trickiest English TEAS test concepts like collective nouns and agreement.
- Randomized quiz bank with TEAS English practice tests
- Worksheets and study tips for TEAS test English prep
I’ve helped thousands of students study smarter for the TEAS, and I’d love for you to join Prenursing Smarter today.
Kate is a CRLA certified tutor and test prep expert. She founded Prenursing Smarter in 2017. Kate lives in sunny Southern California and is an enrolled member of the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe (Mnikȟówožu Lakȟóta). Prenursing Smarter is an inclusive business and actively seeks opportunities to collaborate with and support diverse voices.